Eduardo Ayres Soares, M.F.A.
IMA 20 Writing and Storyboarding for Games (60h)
Instructor at Irvine Valley College
Research and practice in the creation of an original story, including storyboards, character development, plot structure, and the design of both visual and verbal content. The course will study a variety of visual narrative approaches. Students will use industry-standard software to create animatics, a visual device for storytelling. As an instructor, I participated in general faculty functions related to the educational program and in-service activities. The curriculum within Interactive Media Arts includes immersive and emerging technologies. The subjects of the class include Interactive Game Design, 3D and 2D Animation, Story, Storyboarding, Sensor Driven Electronics, and basic Mechanical Engineering.
FILM 3945 Producing Commercials (60h)
Instructor at The University of Utah
"Producing Commercials: The Art of Short Form Storytelling" will focus on the intersection of film production and advertising, following the standards and requirements of the commercial film and media industry, this course will challenge and engage students by encouraging them to adopt a new, fundamental approach to their filmmaking technique. In Film Production I class, the students take on the role of director orchestrating all executive decisions and control over their film portfolio. Now that students have honed their craft, this course is designed with the intention of producing work with a specific target and client’s expectations in mind. The goal of this course is for students to discover the balance between filmmaking as a personal, creative art and as a valuable tool of communication with a target audience. As film students, you have invariably begun to master creating your vision. Now, instead of asking, “What do I want to see on screen?" you will ask, "How do I effectively reach my audience; and how will they think, feel, and react to my movie?" Finally, in order to facilitate their role in the job market, students should leave this course with the goal of establishing a company and the knowledge of producing competitive products in line with the industry standards.
FILM 3500 Introduction to Film Production Course (60h)
Instructor at The University of Utah
Inspired by the film production class "Sight and Sound: Filmmaking" held at New York University, the course offers practical and theoretical activities. It includes lectures, screenings of short films, video editing, script development, and acting for the camera.
Adobe InDesign Course (30h)
Lectured at Alfa Mídia Professional Education
This course is about publishing with Adobe InDesign. It breaks down the barriers between online and offline publishing, creating more attractive materials and professional styles.
Adobe Photoshop Course (30h)
Lectured at Alfa Mídia Professional Education
The course covers visualization and imaging, color modes, selection techniques, coloring, use of layers, blends, photo retouching, and correction by applying the content-aware tool, refine edge, familiarity with the pen tool focusing on selection, image resolution and file export, and websites creation.
Image Treatment Course (30h)
Lectured at Alfa Mídia Professional Education
The course aims to enable the students to go beyond simply knowing the software tools. With this module, the student will apply and use Photoshop tools in a more professional manner (including Adobe Camera Raw).
Art Teaching 5th Grade to High School
Teacher at Martin Luther School and Alvaro Moreyra College
Teaching Film Production, Theater, Visual Arts and Art History to the students of the Elementary and High School. Preparing students to work with film production, storytelling, art, theatre, design, and music.
Screenwriting and Film Production
Teacher at Circo da Cultura
Worked on the production of short films with children from 6 to 14 years old from favelas (shantytowns) focusing on storytelling, screenwriting and directing. The project aims to insert culture on poor communities working with children from dysfunctional families, victims of violence, sexual abuse, and drugs.
Irvine Valley College
Instructor, Part-Time
Aug 2019 - May 2020
University of Utah
Instructor, Part-Time
Aug 2016 - May 2019
Alfamidia Professional Education
Instructor, Part-Time
Oct 2014 - Dec 2015
Circo da Cultura
Film Instructor, Full-Time
Feb 2014 - Sep 2015
• Production of short films with children from 6 to 14 years old from shantytowns in vulnerable situations.
• Projects aiming to insert culture on poor communities.
Lutheran University of Brazil
Research Assistant Pibid
Sep 2013 - Jan 2014
Program of initiation to Visual Arts Education - PIBID ULBRA The program aims to qualify the teaching training of Visual Arts Course students.
Martin Luther Shcool
Art Teacher, Part-Time
Aug 2011 - Aug 2012
• Teaching Art History to the students of the Elementary and High School
• Preparing students to work with art, theatre, film, design and music
• Helping students to work with light, contrast, color, rule of thirds, simetry, use of art materials and tools, and others art elements
• Creating projects with students in Theatre and Art for the school and neighborhood
State Government of Rio Grande do Sul
Art Teacher, Part-Time
Mar 2011 - Aug 2012
• Working with students in the creation of ceramics, sculptures, films, and paintings
• Educating students in Art History, Composition and Crafts, Art Critics and Media Studies
• Creating week lectures about the art universe and workshops for the schools and the students to practice the knowledge learned in class.
Child Abuse for Non-managers Course by South Orange County College District
Sexual Harassment: Policy and Prevention by South Orange County College District
Injury & Illness Prevention Program Course by South Orange County College District
Workshop in Assistant Direction (17h) By Laura Mansur of the Casa de Cinema de Porto Alegre.
Filming Bands with DSLR (30h). By Derick Borba of Jornada Adobe.
Workshop Make Your Own God Damn Movie By Lloyd Kaufman of Troma Entertainment.
Adobe Photoshop (50 horas) Senai Artes Gráficas Color Correction (30h) Senai Artes Gráficas
Advanced Techniques on Adobe Photoshop (40h) Alfamidia
Corel Draw (40h) Senai Artes Gráficas
Page Maker (30h) Senai Artes Gráficas
InDesign (30h) Senai Artes Gráficas
Web Design (Adobe Fireworks, Flash e Dreamweaver) (80h). Senai Artes Gráficas
Education, Diversity, and Intercultural Relations Study (40h). School of Superior Studies in Theology